This post is a short review of the publication

Geiping, J., Goldblum, M., Somepalli, G., Shwartz-Ziv, R., Goldstein, T., & Wilson, A. G. (2022). How Much Data Are Augmentations Worth? An Investigation into Scaling Laws, Invariance, and Implicit Regularization (arXiv:2210.06441)


This publication is a research about data augmentation influence on the model training invarience and robustness, conducted by University of Maryland, College Park, and New York University.

Key Points

  • Augmentation can improve model performance even more than adding new real data, if the augmentation is inconsistent with the test data distribution, which means it generates out-of-domain data.
  • In various data regimes, different augmentations are beneficial; for example, when there is little data, aggressive augmentations like horizontal flipping are preferable, whereas more data favors cautious augmentations like vertical flipping.
  • On lower scales of data size, augmentations preferred, while invariant neural network architectures overtake them in the large-sample realm. Even on invariances that seem unrelated to one another, augmentations can be advantageous.
  • Across neural network widths and topologies, relative increases through augmentations as sample sizes increase are generally stable, although absolute benefits depend on the architecture.